« เมื่อ: เมษายน 14, 2020, 12:03:38 PM »
Butterfly valve ebro,Ebro Butterfly ValveGlobal brand of the highest Quality Butterfly Valves, German made.
All Valves are pleased to offer the full range of EBRO butterfly valves. The range includes the highly popular Z011A wafer pattern butterfly valve and the Z014A fully lugged and tapped butterfly valves. The range also includes the high quality and very popular T211 PTFE lined butterfly valve with PTFE disc. We supply a large number of HP high performance SS butterfly valve on specialist applications.
All Valves have been selling EBRO butterfly valves for over 3 years now and work with EBRO on all of its BIOGAS and AD plant projects. If All Valves needs a quality valve we will look to use EBRO wherever possible as we know we can rely on the quality and availability of this globally recognised product. We also offer the full range of STAFSJO Knife Gate Valves and again where possible use these for our Biogas applications.สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมติดต่อ
คุณ เกรียงศักดิ์ สาคร 088-8866689
id line: tidae888
บริษัท นิวม่า ซิสเต็มส์ จํากัด
119 ซอยประดิษฐ์มนูธรรม 19 ถนนประดิษฐ์มนูธรรม ลาดพร้าว กรุงเทพ 10230
Tel: 02-932-0368, 02-538-2853
Fax: 02-932-0370
E-mail: pneuma168@gmail.com
Website: https://www.ebrobutterflyvalve.comKeyword: Ebro Butterfly Valve Butterfly valve ebro