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Buddhist studies มหาปัญญาวิทยาลัย Mahapanya Vidayalai

Buddhist studies มหาปัญญาวิทยาลัย Mahapanya Vidayalai
« เมื่อ: เมษายน 08, 2019, 12:27:54 PM »
     Mahapanya Vidayalai (MPV), is an international college for Buddhist studies with a focus in Mahayana Buddhism. It was established in 2002 and has been since then affiliated to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU).  Our course which blends indigenous and modern pedagogical skills to deliver Buddhist education is open to both monastic and lay students.  As success of Buddhist education relies on how properly we tap the talents and guide the teenagers, MPV has opened another branch: Mahapanya School. And for catering to the needs of devotees, rituals and ceremonies,  MPV also has a dedicated department: Mahapanya Buddhasathan. All major religious or local traditional ceremonies are conducted by this department. Buddhist studies

Our Vision:
“Illuminating the world with the Torch of Wisdom of Buddhism,” is our vision in general. No matter how advanced we are materialistically the world is still groping in the darkness of negative mind. No matter how smart we are, we are still ignorant of the truth of selflessness. No matter how learned and accomplished we are, we still fail to address the ills of the world. Hence, the Torch of Wisdom of Buddhism that is equipped with the four-pronged wisdom of the Four Noble Truths has become relevant more than ever. Mahayana

     Specifically, our vision includes four dimensions: classroom education, research, community service, and leadership. It strives for the highest quality in each of those domains, enabled by the most up to date and relevant learning theories and technologies. It aims to be fully collaborative and compliant with the standards set out by the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC), Thailand. Vajrayana

เว็บไซต์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง : https://www.facebook.com/mpv.college

Tags : Buddhist studies


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